A downloadable game

This is my progress on my Milestone 3 for the Game Programming 2 project. In this milestone, I have implemented sound effects and background music, more AI, added particles to the game, added a UI, added water around the level, custom materials, and some moving platforms. I've changed character interaction so you no longer press 'E' to interact, instead it just happens once you get near the NPCs or other collectible objects. I changed how the key looked and added collectible objects throughout the level. The UI shows your progress in collecting all the objects and outlines your missions and goals for the level. 

The outline for the level is still rough, but hopefully I will be able to implement more detail and interaction with this level.


W -> Move forward

S -> Move backward

Mouse -> look to go in the direction you want

Spacebar -> Jump


SproutlandM3.zip 663 MB